UnuClassifieds – the portal of private free ads. This is a useful website created to connect people directly, without intermediaries in one online space. On the website you can post or find ads first-hand in sections such as Auto Sales, real Estate, Services, jobs, Dating or Society. Our users – people who want to find a job or a flat, meet new people or to learn a foreign language, buy a car or sell a couch, just fun and a good time, and much, much more. You can find on website almost everything in order to save money to improve their lives. Our main goal – to help make it fast, easy and convenient for You.

the First ad appeared on this site February 1,  2018. This day we consider to be our birthday and proud of my little story. During this time, we with Your help have already got invaluable experience, which allows us to provide high quality service to the site.

UnuClassifieds allows you to add and search classifieds around the world. And our “Search” will help You to find the necessary thing, person or service near to Your house!

You can Also find answers to questions about placing ads in the Help section or contact support.